Simplify the Process of Publishing Medical Research

Writing a ten-page article might seem straightforward - in theory. You’ve spent two or three years collecting data, and now you “just” need to analyse it and write the paper. But in reality, numerous obstacles stand between you and publication.

Producing a Research Article in Three Steps

Article Design

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The first step is defining exactly what you’re looking for—and how to demonstrate it. R++ was founded by a statistician who has seen countless doctors come to his office with years' worth of data, only to realise that key variables were missing or poorly measured. “But we spent three years collecting this!”

Unfortunately, no amount of time can salvage a study that wasn’t designed properly from the outset. A well-planned study ensures your research can be analysed and published without frustrating roadblocks.

Statistical Analysis

Medical journals and reviewers are more demanding than ever. The more prestigious the journal, the more rigorous your statistical analysis needs to be. At this stage, research fall into two categories:

  • Large, multicentre, or long-term studies with major funding These are often aimed at top-tier journals and require a statistician’s expertise.
  • Smaller, retrospective, or unfunded studiesWhile these may not be as ambitious, they can still lead to high-quality publications. But here’s the challenge: you’ll likely have to handle the statistics yourself. Do you rely on multiple software tools, each with a steep learning curve? Or do you pass your data to “that helpful colleague”— if they’re available?
Interface with graphics

Writing the Article: Turning Data into a Compelling Narrative

Writing on a computer

A research paper may only be 10–20 pages long, but writing it is no small task. Even the best authors manage just a couple of pages per day. Having clear ideas is one thing - making them accessible and engaging to your peers is another.

Then there’s the challenge of integrating statistics and graphs. First, you need to filter out the most relevant ones. Then, you must export them from your software into your article, often adjusting formatting along the way. And let’s not forget the infamous Table 1, the group comparison table, which is notoriously time-consuming to build.

A Workflow Designed for Publishing

R++ isn’t just a statistical analysis tool—it’s designed with one goal in mind: getting your research published. It streamlines the entire process, addressing the biggest challenges researchers face.

While R++ can’t design your study for you, it helps you avoid costly mistakes early on. Our built-in sample size calculator ensures your study is feasible before you even begin data collection. Simply choose the appropriate test, enter your expected values, and R++ will calculate the number of subjects needed. If the number is unrealistic, you’ll know upfront, allowing you to refine your study design before it’s too late.

R++ screenshot - calculation number of subjects needed
R++ Screenshot - Statistical Tests

At the heart of R++ is an intuitive statistical engine built specifically for medical research. It provides exactly the tests and tools found in medical articles—no unnecessary complexity, no steep learning curve. Doctors consistently report massive time savings. Dr Isabelle Sourrouille, a Colorectal Cancer Surgeon at the Institut Gustave Roussy in France, now spends a tenth less time on analysis thanks to R++.

Efficiency isn’t the only benefit, R++ changes the experience of doing statistics. A process many researchers find tedious and frustrating becomes straightforward and even enjoyable. But don’t just take our word for it, our users say it best.

Once you have your results, the final hurdle is inserting it into your article which often involves formatting challenges. With R++, inserting your data into your article is effortless - just copy-paste or drag-and-drop. Even the dreaded Table 1 - the essential group comparison table - is generated automatically. Select your group variable, click on the relevant comparison variables, and your table is ready to go.

Drag and drop graph with R++
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How Does R++ Make Writing Articles Easier?
What Format is Used to Export Results to Microsoft Office?
Is There a Secret to Getting an Article Accepted on the First Submission?

R++ User Reviews

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It's intuitive, enjoyable to use and has helped save me valuable time. Give it a go!

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Aurélien Hostalrich
Vascular Surgeon,
Rangueil University Hospital (CHU Toulouse)
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R++ saves so much time, I complete my work 10 times faster than without it.

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Isabelle Sourrouille
Colorectal Cancer Surgeon,
Institut Gustave Roussy
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I'm bad at stats, I hate stats. R++ (almost) made me enjoy stats!

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Sonia Outh
Med Student,
Purpan University Hospital (CHU Toulouse)

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