R++: the statistical software that simplifies the lives of doctors

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I love research but I hate statistics. I mean, doctor is a job complicated enough, I can’t become statistician on top of it, right? Now with R++, I love research. No buts.

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This is from one of our first clients (cardiac surgeon at the CHU Purpan - Toulouse) and sums up very well the objective of R++: it lets doctors make their statistics simply, independently and above all, it reduces the pain.

Why use software for your statistics?

Illustration of a person writing on the board

The importance of methodology and statistical analysis in medical research cannot be overemphasized. You have collected data. Cleaning that data is an essential step because it is highly likely it contains outliers. Then you have a hypothesis in mind. So you need to do a statistical test to support it. The right test must be chosen from among the many tests that exist. Furthermore, to control biases and adjust for confounding factors, it will require modeling: Survival curves, regression. These and many other tasks can be complicated or impossible without good statistical analysis software. R++ was designed to do the job.

R++, a solution for your medical statistics

R++ is distinguished from other statistical analysis software packages in two fundamental ways: focus on medicine and its simple intuitive interface.

Address the need of medical research

R++ offers the tools you need in medicine to detect and correct bad data, do the appropriate analysis, simply produce tables and graphs, and easily move your results into your publication. "Appropriate analysis" include statistical tests, ROC curves, survival, linear and logistic regressions. The R++ interface is simple, clean, and intuitive. Everything is accessible directly without nested submenus.

Several icons of the R++ software
Illustration person designing an interface

Designed by HCI researchers

Human-Computer Interface science makes the use of software intuitive. Think about your smartphone or an iPhone: you have likely not read the manual and yet you know how to use it. R++ is built according using the same principle. Some of our users learn it on their own, independently. For others, our one hour of (free) training is enough to understand how to do everything!

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How was R++ born?
Why software only for medical research?

R++ user reviews

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The best thing about R++ is having a team that genuinely listens to our needs

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Maximilliano Gelli
Colorectal Cancer Surgeon,
Institut Gustave Roussy
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I'm bad at stats, I hate stats. R++ (almost) made me enjoy stats!

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Sonia Outh
Med Student,
Purpan University Hospital (CHU Toulouse)
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It's intuitive, enjoyable to use and has helped save me valuable time. Give it a go!

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Aurélien Hostalrich
Vascular Surgeon,
Rangueil University Hospital (CHU Toulouse)

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